Almost Instant Relief from life long Ulcerative Colitis
- 14/10/2016
- By Jeff T. Bowles
- Ulcerative Colits
- 1 Comment.
A message from a user:
Dear Jeff,
I have had ulcerative colitis my whole life. I am now 65 years old!
I’ve never had normal stool. Only watery diarrhea with much blood. I will spare you all the other illnesses that came a long. I have been in and out of hospitals all of my life. Broken a lot of bones as well.
I read your book and immediately begin taking 2x 10.000 iu vit d3 and the2x 1 super K. After 2 days my diarrhea was gone!!! I have been eating so much over the last couple of days! And everything is ok!
Now, the reason I am writing you is that you never mentioned the importance of vit A in your book. I have just finished ready the book by Kate Rhéaume-Bleue. She mentions the importance of vit A a lot. Do you have another view on this matter?
Thank you so much for your good work! I always knew that one day I would get better. But in such a short time ……nobody will believe me!
Lovely regards, IXXXXX
I was convinced of the benefits of taking Vit D after reading your Kindle book ‘The Miraculous Results of Extremely High Doses ……of Vitamin D’, but have recently been reading articles from Shane Ellison M.S. , Global Healing Centre and others advocating that synthetic vitamins are harmful. Just wondered if you have any comments to make on such statements? Best wishes,