Stroke, Parkinsons

Stroke, Parkinsons

Alzey, the 28.03.2018
Hello Mister Bowles,
I have already corresponded with you in October and November 2017.
Today I would like to share my experience with high-dose Vit. D 3.
Since my husband had a stroke in May 2017 and moreover
Parkinson’s disease, it is a long-term care case. Since he alone two months in the
Clinic and did not get into the sun, I thought in November
that it would be time for the upcoming dark season high-dose
To take Vit. D 3 and this until December. That was over 2 million units.
Then we have in March 2018 a blood test (carried out at home) and
sent to the lab, I was very surprised how high the values are:
It was 421 for my husband and 300 ng / ml for me. I’ll have one right there
Pause inserted, so that the mirror sinks slightly. But now, on 28.03.18 I have
found that I get cold hands and feet again, which I at the
regular intake of Vit. D did not have. I’m 77 and my husband is 78 years old.
My husband noticed that his hair started slowly on the head again
to grow. It has almost no hair at the top, but a wreath on the side. That
The hair starts to grow again with him, comes for sure from D 3.
I only report from me now, because my husband is demented and does not comment
I do not know what he feels. That’s why I tell you how I feel.
So since July 2017 I take care of my husband. We have a house with a garden
and I have to do this work alone now. Since I am an early riser, I stand
in the morning at 5:45 in the winter and at 5 in the summer every morning.
This is the time I need for myself and enjoy the beginning of the day,
the rising sun and the chirping of birds. I have to say that
I am 77 years old. The care goes around the clock, 7 days a week.
However, my husband is so calm at the time of the night that I can barely get up
must be what was needed the first two months after the stroke.
I’m fine healthily. We did not have a cold, I have none
Pain, I can do another handstand and go in the
Week of gymnastics to stay fit. Now we had a visit from one
Pastor who visited my sick husband. Later he asked me
        “Where do I take the strength to provide this care”?
This question came as a surprise to me. I never thought about that.
I told him that I would have to think about it first. For
It was natural for me to be there for my husband.
Now this question has occupied me a lot.
After the intensive intake of the vitamins it was time for a blood test
to have it done. I ordered two blood tests for home and blood for the lab
cleverly. This, of course, surprised me very much that the values were so high, but I have
can not detect any poisoning. The only thing I feel that when I’m in bed in the evening
lie down, my hands and feet are warm and a light knock or throb or tingle
is felt. That’s the only thing I notice, but I feel that feeling for a long time.
Since I came to the conclusion that I only by taking the very high-dose
Vitamin D is so fit and alert that I can nurse my sick husband without any problems.
In the end, I came to the conclusion that the values mentioned were necessary for repairs
Body to perform, much too low.
Even with me, I have found that small hair in my hairline grow back and mine
All hair has become stronger again.
Also, I researched the internet and read that there are people who are even higher
Vit. D – have value as us and they are fine. I just do not know how long it takes to get the values
go downstairs again.
Dear Mister Bowles, I suppose it interests you, at a value of 300 or mine
Man of 421 happens. Repairs are now only carried out if the body is likely
has filled up all memory and only then can stimulate the growth of hair, for example. I take
because all people have different needs to carry out repairs.
I would be glad if I received an answer from you
Best regards

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