By Jeff T Bowles | Amazon Best Selling Science Author


I don’t know why I didn’t figure this out sooner!  Forgive me. I have had all the puzzle pieces for years, I just never spent much time working on fitting them together. However, I always had a nagging feeling that what I am about to suggest, could be the cure for autism-I just didn’t run with it!

But once you put all the puzzle pieces together-the likely cure for autism in kids and probably in adults seems so obvious I want to kick myself.

I even helped raise an adult boy from age 5 to 19. But the first time I had all the puzzle pieces would have been about 5 years ago. But I was busy trying to research all the other diseases cured by correcting Vitamin D3 deficiency that I didn’t apply what I was learning to autism. But all the amazing things I have learned in the last 5 years about Vitamin D3 have finally hit me in the face.

I expect autistic brains can be cured with very high dose Vitamin D3 therapy over maybe a three month to one year period! Crazy! I can imagine many readers saying. Keep reading, and by the end of this article I think you will come to the same conclusion!

I expect a very high likelihood of it working in young children, and a pretty good chance it will work in autistic adults as well!

Let’s start laying out some of the puzzle pieces, here are some relevant facts needed to construct this theory.

  1. From 13% to up to 33% of children diagnosed with autism, see the autism resolve over time! Assuming the initial diagnoses were correct, that means there is a Factor X that some children get that reverses autism, while 67% of autistic kids do not get Factor X-whatever it is. What is Factor X? We will soon see let’s call it Factor D instead!
  2. A recent study in a mouse model of autism show that giving the pregnant females Vitamin D3, eliminates all autistic behaviors in their offspring.
  3. Another recent study shows that in humans, low Vitamin D3 status in the pregnant mother at 5 months, and at birth, are associated with much higher rates of autism in their children. I doubt they measured the D3 levels in the babies after birth, but since the brain keeps growing dramatically until age 2, I expect that low D3 levels at times between birth through year 2 and maybe even older, in the baby can also trigger autism.
  4. The developing brain in a fetus and in young children develops through two processes – -brain cell division and expansion and exuberant neuronal connecting, and brain cell death of up to 70% of the brain cells and dramatic neuronal connection pruning.image003image004
  5. Autistic children have brains that are significantly larger than normal children’s brains.
  6. Vitamin D3 is not a vitamin but a powerful hormone that has been categorized in the past as the bone and joint remodeling hormone, but recent evidence that I have uncovered in the last 6 years suggests it is more than that. Overwhelming evidence suggests to me that Vitamin D3 is the all-tissue remodeling hormone, and that includes neural tissue.
  7. The incidence of autism in the US and around the world has been exploding since the 1980’s when scientists warned us to stay out of the sun and use sun block.
  8. The powerful hormone Vitamin D3 can be obtained from the diet but in the past we used to get most of our Vitamin D3 by exposing our unprotected skin to the sun.
  9. There are many anecdotal cases of parents of autistic children claiming dramatic improvements in their behaviors when they take Vitamin D3 (at relatively low doses compared to what I will predict will be curative). See “Emily’s Story” available at Amazon books for example.
  10. Being the author of the best-selling book in the world about Vitamin D3 (describing my high dose Vitamin D3 experiments) I have received information from thousands of high dose Vitamin D3 experimenters over the last 6 years. One thing that keeps popping up is the description of an injury or problem a reader has had since childhood, like say an old bone break at age 6. When embarking on a high dose Vitamin D3 experiment they often describe suffering pain in these old injuries for two to three months up to 30 years after the injury had happened! The idea of the Incomplete Repair Syndrome is what I came up with to describe these effects. If someone has been vitamin D3 deficient their whole lives, then when higher levels of D3 are encountered, old injuries that were never healed correctly, are then broken down and remodeled correctly and completely using all the resources necessary.
  11. With all these facts in mind, it is logical to me that autism is simply a case of incomplete brain development syndrome. Where the brain has been waiting for the proper , large enough Vitamin D3 signal to complete the development process which requires pruning of some brain tissue and pairing some of the excess neuronal connections. In normal children, this brain tissue and connection pruning goes on for years after they are born, all the way up into early adulthood. The pruning of connections after the age of puberty is why kids can learn languages so easily without accent by age 12, but after this age when they learn a language they have more trouble and always have an accent.
  12. Are autistic children deficient in vitamin D3? The data says overwhelmingly yes! (And it is not just due to lack of sun or supplements.)
  13. Have doctors cured anything else related to neurons and nerves with high dose Vitamin D3? Yes-you just need to review doctor Coimbra’s curing of over 1,000 MS patients by giving them 1,000 IU of D3 per day per kg of body weight. He is all over the internet -and you can see MRI’s of nasty brain lesions before and after D3 treatment when you research him-It is dramatic.
  14. Has there ever been a case of high dose D3 helping an autistic child? See the article at the end of these bullet points! Yes indeed!
  15. And for all you believers in the vaccine / autism connection (which I used to dismiss)-You might be right! Apparently, many vaccines contain an enzyme called nagalase. What does it do? It is said to interfere with the body’s immune system by interfering with Vitamin D3 and its activities to stimulate the immune system. Maybe this is thought to be a good thing to allow the body time to develop immunity. But lower levels of D3 activity caused by nagalase might also trigger autism in children at the borderline D3 level? There is a lot of conspiracy theory and supposedly reports of dead whistle blowers around this subject-so I am just highlighting the argument-up to you to research it!
  16. Research has JUST come out from China that has discovered that autistic children suffer from de novo (new) mutations in Vitamin D3 -related genes including receptors, and in their ability to synthesize Vitamin D3 from precursors. The good news is that these mutations can be overcome with higher dose vitamin D3 supplementation. See-“Geneticists Discover that Autistic Individuals Have Numerous Mutations in Vitamin D3 Genes”. At

Here it is the smoking gun! –

This second set of Chinese doctors nailed it!  But they were hesitant to trumpet their horn-because  IT WAS JUST ANECDOTAL!!! (worthless to the science community who have been brainwashed to believe that you can only trust facts from double blind placebo controlled studies!)

(Just so you understand-if you told a true science zealot that if you shot a man in the heart with a shotgun at point blank range-that it caused him to die-He would say “NONSENSE! I won’t believe it until I see a double-blind placebo controlled study that proves it’s true!” And he will ignore the fact until there is a study done!” That is the type of person doing the world’s research into diseases-  trust me on that!  Ok here is the smoking gun>>>

Begin article -[Chinese doctors report apparent response to vitamin D in toddler with autism and call for clinical trial to evaluate safety and benefits

December 15, 2014

image006Doctors in China are reporting that treatment with vitamin D appeared to produce dramatic improvements in a toddler with autism. They call on researchers to conduct clinical trials to evaluate the benefits and safety in individuals with autism and low vitamin D levels.

The report appears today in Pediatricsthe journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“Scientists are studying the role of vitamin D in many brain disorders, from depression to dementia,” notes developmental pediatrician Paul Wang, Autism Speaks senior vice president for medical research. “This is an area where Autism Speaks is supporting research and is watching closely for results.”

image008In their report, autism specialists at China’s First Hospital of Jilin University describe a toddler they diagnosed at 32 months with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

They describe how the boy did not respond to his name or instructions and spoke only a few isolated words. He didn’t play with toys, but instead compulsively smelled objects and shredded paper. He ran in circles “endlessly” and suffered from tantrums that involved head banging.

Blood tests showed that the boy had borderline low blood levels of vitamin D (12.5 ng/mL). The doctors administered a monthly injection of vitamin D3 (150,000 IU) and prescribed a daily oral supplement (400 IU).

After two months, the boy’s vitamin D blood levels had risen to 81.2 ng/mL, and his parents were reporting clear improvements. The boy had stopped running in circles and banging his head. He was responding to his name, playing with toys and asking his parents to hold him in their arms. Re-evaluation with a diagnostic checklist likewise showed significant improvements in all areas of core autism symptoms.

“It is important to note that this single case observation cannot be generalized to all patients with ASD,” the doctors write. “It is hoped that this case report will encourage researchers to conduct further long-term controlled clinical trials.”]-end article

So, the bottom line is this

You can wait for all these researchers to tip toe around and someday declare “give high doses of D3 to your autistic toddler, and to your expecting mothers and autistic adults”. Which might be another decade if you know how slow science progresses.

Or you can evaluate these facts and decide to enlist yourself and your autistic child into a self-experiment to see if high dose D3 therapy works or not. I have heard back from maybe 1,000 high dose Vitamin D3 experimenters and have heard of adverse outcomes in only about 6 cases, a few got too much calcium in their blood and became nauseous and lost lots of weight but were fine a month after stopping the D3, and a few got kidney calcium stones which are painful but not all that dangerous. None of them were taking the suggested amount of Vitamin K2 to keep the calcium out of the soft tissues and in the bones! (see my book).

One more thought is this-if high dose oral Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) therapy does not work in a certain case, then it might be reasonable to seek a doctor who might  administer the even more active Vitamin D3 (calcitriol) that is by prescription only. This is due to the possibility that some forms of autism might be caused by the inability of the child to convert cholecalciferol into calcitriol properly. It is actually the calcitriol that does all the good work.

My guess is that if 13% to up to 33% of kids diagnosed with autism eventually get full resolution to normal, it can’t be that hard of a process to figure out-I think we have figured it out. Basically, you need to trim their large brains down to normal size, and that, I expect, will happen with high dose vitamin D3. The all-tissue remodeling hormone (my description).

If it was me, and I had a child, sibling, or even parent with autism I would try to convince them to follow Dr. Coimbra’s protocol for Multiple Sclerosis. 1,000 IU of D3 per kg of weight per day, avoid foods with a lot of calcium, drink an extra liter of water per day (you don’t want to get calcium kidney stones) take some Vitamin K2 (my advice) and magnesium supplements every day. And get the blood tested for calcium every several months.

As long as the blood calcium levels are normal (within the reference range) there is basically no danger at all! All the D3 hysteria and danger comes from excess calcium in the blood. You can read more about high dose D3 experiments in my book available on amazon:

Here is the link >>

I, of course cannot recommend you do any of this for liability reasons. And I highly recommend you ignore everything you just read as I have no “credentials” bestowed upon me by any institution other than public opinion. What I do have is a command of many facts, my argument, and theory. So, it is up to determine the merits of this idea with your own research and conclusions.

Good luck, and I would be really interested in hearing about any results, my email address is Jeffbo at aol dot com.

Jeff T Bowles: Being the author of the best-selling book on Vitamin D3 in the world, and given the topic of the book was the miraculous results of my one year experiment of taking HIGH DOSES of vitamin D3, puts me in the unique position of being the sounding board for many hundreds if not a few thousands of others who have embarked on their own high dose vitamin d3 experiment. Nobody on planet earth has this amount of unusual and exciting knowledge, and I will be sharing it with you in this series of 100 short articles describing a disease and some sort of amazing result achieved with high dose D3 therapy.

Sincerely Jeff T. Bowles

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One Response so far.

  1. Robyne says:

    Hi Jeff,

    I’ve been (lay) researching neurosteroids for years. There appears to be a synergy between Vitamin D and progesterone (also neurosteroid). A low progesterone level could possibly account for the 25% unresponsive group to vitamin D therapy. Here are some links noting the interaction of the two:

    Just thought this may be of interest to you 🙂

    Regards, Rob

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