A very useful reading on a common problem

A very useful reading on a common problem

A very useful reading on a common problem (translated from German)
November 23, 2018
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

I had the first contact with vitamin D and vitamin K about 3 years ago. At that time I was physically extremely poor, from normal symptoms such as back pain, tension to extreme blood pressure drop to 90 – 50. The doctor could be found no real cause and quickly came diagnoses such as cervical spine problems or even psychosomatic.

I then went to search for causes and ultimately found the vitamin D.

Vit D causes an increased calcium absorption in the intestine, which means that more calcium is also in the body. The Vit K then protects the vessels and promotes bone formation. Do not forget magnesium too. In case of magnesium deficiency, the calcium balance may not work properly.
Caution is advised with a longer supplement or too high a dose. Too much calcium and too little Vit K or magnesium can lead to increased deposits in the vessels and organs.

For me personally back pain and tension have completely done since I look at my Vit D mirror. Also the blood pressure has normalized.
Anyone who suffers from similar problems,
I would like to finish the review with a quote that ends the book as well.

Those who eat properly do not need medicine;
If you feed yourself wrong, no medicine will help you.


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