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Health Recommendations: Books, Vitamins, Supplements
(Click link on this page to buy on Amazon.com)

These recommendations are based on what my family and my friends use or have used and what has worked and greatly improved the health of our family members.

To order, click on any item and it will take you right to the product page on Amazon.com.

Please make any of your Amazon purchases of these items through this website, because Amazon allows a small commission which would otherwise be wasted if you bought from Amazon direct. These tiny commissions help defray the cost of keeping this non-profit website (and the Vitamin D3 case study search engine) up and running.
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3 Insider Secrets of Saving on www.Amazon.com that
Most People Don’t Know and End Up Wasting a Lot of Money

Lesson 1: How to Save on Amazon – 1

How to Save on Amazon When Buying Vitamins and Supplements
(Example: Prices of D3 5000 IU Brands Variy 4 Times or 400%)
click here

Lesson 2: How to Save on Amazon – 2

How to Save on Amazon When Buying Vitamins and Supplements
(Example: Prices of D3 of “NOW Brand” Varies 3.4 Times or 344%)
click here

Lesson 3: Save on Amazon vs the Manufacturer

How to Save on Amazon When Buying Vitamins and Supplements
(Example: Prices of Some Vitamins from Amazon.com vs LEF.org

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