For each time a suggestion about his health to think about (German translation)

For each time a suggestion about his health to think about (German translation)

For each time a suggestion about his health to think about  (German translation)

From Amazon Customer On August 11, 2014

Format: Paperback |Verified purchase

We are now a few weeks highly dosed to replenish vitamin D. I bought this book to see what the author has reached with his “high dose”. Honestly it impressed me and really only confirmed in it continues to fill up with D. My partner and I go with this vitamin plus vitamin k2 and magnesium actually daily better. My partner had a stroke half a year ago. But now, thanks to vitamin D, he is far better than before the stroke. If only all times would not always believe you wanted to praise a miracle here. The people are themselves to blame that they do not want to improve their quality of life. I have come to my vitamin D clinic. However higher dosage I have it by itself. And we do not regret it. Even our house doctor says that it is better for us with our blood pictures. My partner had problems with his knee for 20 years. Could not go long stretches for years without pain in the knee. Everything away. He had problems with the shoulders. One should be operated on. Afterwards gypsum for several months. He does not need any more. The school is better. There are still a lot of building sites that I could still report here, but this would probably first of all break the frame and secondly I believe that until now hardly anyone reads, because they can not believe that it really does what. In conclusion, I would then still say that my Sonnenallergie is gone which I had for 25 years.
I thank Jeff T. Bowles who read the reviews here for this informative book with his insights and tips! Thank you for writing this book!

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